SUMMARY: Tsuna begins to initiate his new power. But before this, a flashback occurred before Tsuna and the rest of his friends returned to the past. He asked the Future Spanner if he could find a way for him to shoot X-Burner in both hands without having to be blown backwards by the force. Spanner thinks for a moment and agrees to upgrade the contact lenses for such technique even though there is no time left for him to make one. Back to the present, Tsuna fires the XX-Burner as he cries out telling Enma that he will save him since his pride is at stake. After that event, Tsuna and the rest looked for Enma. Enma is safe and unharmed and then he asked Tsuna about his pride. Tsuna didn't know at first what his pride exactly was until Hibari showed him about pride being something you can't easily surrender. Tsuna's pride are his comrades and friends.
Get the Katekyo Hitman Reborn - Vongola Gear Bracelet of Cloud
Based on the hit anime/manga by Akira Amano, the Bracelet of Cloud is Hibari Kyoya's very own Vongla Gear. After being easily defeated by Enma in the ceremonial rites of passage of the Vongola Family, the rings of Tsuna and the others are broken. In order to stand against the enemy's overwhelming strength, they need to fix and upgrade their current rings into their own customized Vongola Gear. Hibari who used infuriated due to his loss, injected flames onto his incomplete Vongola Gear to activate it. He then sets off alone to find his "prey" after gaining his Vongola Gear.
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